An Angel’s Sting | Teen Ink

An Angel’s Sting

January 11, 2024
By GenRose BRONZE, Stratford, Connecticut
GenRose BRONZE, Stratford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Your scent of perfume 

fills my empty room,

Leaving me senseless

from fragrances of

unconfined “beauty”.

Enamored by your

angelic voice, you

soothe my delusion

of being with you. 


A Simple Question

Distress trembles beneath my soul,

eyes dart from discrete things.

Time feels short, leaving a hole

in feelings that dreaded my poor being. 

Apprehension fills my anxious lungs—

crowding their ability to breathe,

as the reality of being in love with her

starts to misperceive my once pure delusion.

Mindlessly, limbs feel weak,

leaving the body powerless.

My false impression of her begins to sneak,

abandoning the soul that was priceless.

If only she could acknowledge me,

my fear wouldn’t be my oppressor.

Will she ever find intimacy in me?



My mind wrestles with the thought,

of truly being with her.

Her soothing voice gives comfort

while shattering my heart into pieces.

I still crave her angelic being, but

her jarring words haunt my core. 



My body feels normal as my head sways,

thoughts flicker like lights in a room. 

My stomach yearns to be set free

from lilac butterflies fluttering around.

My heart speaks, begging for nourishment,

but it does not know, 

her divine presence isn’t sufficient. 

Sleep becomes hypothetical,

as being wide-awake becomes reality.

I dream of her while she sleeps 

without the thought of me.



She seems like a dream to me, her presence captivating me. Her voice stops me, making my body change its course. I disconnect from reality, dreaming about the way she looks at me, as my nerves shift to gentle butterflies deep down in my core. Her perfume takes over like a drug, my mind craves her aroma. I glance at her, praying she looks back, but her smile slips off at the sight of me. She walks oblivious, never thinking of me. Why exist if I don’t exist to her?


her angelic voice

cuts me deep

but the angel

remains perfect

in my somber mind. 

The author's comments:

My name is Genesis Hayes, and I’m a high school senior from Connecticut. I’ve attached 5 poems that all correlate to each other but can be read separately. I was inspired by the theme of one sided love, and created a series of poems and a prose poem to illustrate this feeling. 

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Genesis Hayes

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