Brady | Teen Ink


January 19, 2024
By Anonymous

“Describe someone you are grateful for. Why do they mean so much to you? Be specific.” Brady, My boyfriend. Brady means so much to me. I'm eternally grateful for him, here's why. 

He taught me and continues to teach me what love is. There's no doubt in my mind that Brady is the one who taught me what love outside of family is. He also showed me that love isn't strictly for the immediate family, and that people can become your family even if you're not related. I never knew how to love or what it truly felt like until I fell in love with Brady and everything about him.

He's my best friend. I say he's my best friend because he's my go to person. When I'm upset, Who do I call? Brady. When I need to talk, Who do I call? Brady. He truly understands me as a person in a way nobody else does. I can be myself around him and not have to worry about judgment and being ridiculed for being myself. I can be truly authentic around him and I feel so safe with him. 

He makes me see how good life really is. He shows me the good in the bad. I could be having the worst day, and Brady finds the good in my day. He shows me how amazing a person, and a day, can truly be. Whenever I'm down about my life, Brady pulls me back up from this pit I'm stuck in. He would climb in for me if it meant I wasn't alone and suffering with me. Brady would climb in the pit if it meant I could get out. He shows me how good life can be no matter what. 

He teaches me how to stand up for myself. He teaches me self respect. When I tell him something going on in my life and he doesn't like it, he shows me how to respect myself in the situation. He tells me what the best thing to do would be, even if sometimes I don't listen, I always value him trying to help something that seems so hopeless to me. I got kicked out of my homecoming group right before homecoming happened because there wasn't enough room for me and Brady. I cried about it for days until Brady told me that he had enough of seeing me getting taken advantage of and seeing me cry over this. He told me I needed to stand up for myself and not take that disrespect from those people. He taught me self love, respect and how to stand up for myself, and I will forever be grateful for it. 

He taught me how to communicate in all my relationships. Ge taught me how to be vulnerable and honest with my feelings. Before Brady I never knew the best way to go about communication with people I love. He showed me how to communicate my feelings and emotions with others and even myself. He walks me though how i'm feeling and makes sure i'm completely honest with myself and the people im communicating with. He lets me pour my emotions and thoughts onto him and he walks me though how he would like to go through the problem or situation. 

Brady is an amazing person, and an amazing partner to be with. I wouldn't have it any other way. No matter how many times one of us messes up, we always forgive each other because that's what love is.

The author's comments:

I used metaphors as a device in my piece. “Brady pulls me back up from this pit im stuck in. He would climb in for me if it meant I wasn't alone and suffering with me. ” I felt as if it was a good way to show how much Brady would do for me. Another stylistic device, I used a list of reasons on why I'm grateful for Brady and broke them up into paragraphs. My last device used was real life examples. I used one example with the homecoming situation to show how Brady teaches me to stand up for myself. 

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