Teen Movies | Teen Ink

Teen Movies

January 21, 2024
By fangela PLATINUM, Fort Lee, New Jersey
fangela PLATINUM, Fort Lee, New Jersey
20 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Just like the movies,

I wanted to experience the

First loves, 

School dances, 

And summer adventures.

Unlike the movies,

I had to experience the

Academic demands, 

Peer pressure, 

And personal development strains. 

Just like the movies, 

I see others living the life I wanted, 

Hoped for,

Wished for, 

Dreamt of. 

Unlike the movies, 

I see the intimate moments of my life, 

The sad ones, 

Happy ones, 

Relieved ones.

Just like the movies, 

It is bound to end,

As nothing lasts forever,

Since high school is only one film

In the series of life.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem after watching multiple Teen Movies with my best friend. We discussed how some parts of the movie were seen as "unrealistic", and how unrelatable they were. 

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