Lull of Locomotion | Teen Ink

Lull of Locomotion

January 21, 2024
By sof-strieb BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
sof-strieb BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now I will do nothing but listen. 

Train tracks teetering as wind tatters my window pane 

Dawn’s dew glistening on icy glass. 

Sleepy eyes watch willows and lengthy grass pass, 

scribbling a shimmering smile on glassy frost before eyes flick out. 


Forehead tapping a winter window as conversations drown out…


Brain lulled to the sea of sleep by momma train, rocking her baby. 

Muffled sounds enter a loud and awakened avalanche 

Skin of icicles, fragile as winter petals. Cupping hands, heat hits my palms. 

Bittersweet coffee wafts from the cozy cafe. 

A groggy walk to where they all talk.


Teacups clatter and clink as voices echo 

Bubbles and bursts of laughter erupt from left-side tea drinkers

Clamors and clinks from the beverage cart 

Hand jerks forward and body launches like a fueled-up rocket 

A screech-owl, firefly sparks erupt as wheels shriek to a halt.


Wait, it’s already my stop? 

The panicked pitter-patter of footsteps… 

Will me to get off.

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