Healing A Heart I Didn't Break | Teen Ink

Healing A Heart I Didn't Break

January 25, 2024
By princessmary GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
princessmary GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

One - The grief comes in waves. Just because I am good one day, does not mean l'Il be good the next. 

Two - If I tell you I am okay, I am probably struggling, but I don't want to burden you by saying so.
Three - The smallest things can trigger a memory, so I apologize in advance if I am good one moment, and not okay the next. 

Four - It is never a bother when you check in on me. especially in the beginning I don't need distance. I want you close. 

Five - I know not everyone is capable of pulling me into their arms, but if I hold onto you, I am sorry if it takes a while for me to let go. You are healing a heart you didn't break.


Princess Mary 

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