Nature Retreats In The Fall | Teen Ink

Nature Retreats In The Fall

January 29, 2024
By Jyadon BRONZE, Guthrie, Oklahoma
Jyadon BRONZE, Guthrie, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Retreating in Nature is something indescribable.


The green leaves turning different shades of maroon and dark yellow

And the leaves descending to turn brittle and brown on the ground


The smell of fresh air unpolluted by society

The scent of cedar and fall roams freely through the air


The crunch of the hardened dead leaves under my shoe 

Stars so bright at night they could light up a pitch black room


A splash of cold lake water hitting your face 

The feeling of a towel drying your chilly damp body after a fun swim


The feeling of warm home cooked food after a long day out in God's creation


Devotionals at midnight and singing songs of praise

 This what makes it all worth the while


Listening to calming music while falling asleep in a cabin 

Not a care in the world, out in Nature


We wake up in the morning and get ready for another great day

I love Nature Retreats in the fall

The author's comments:

This piece means a lot to me because i go on 2 church retreats every year and they are just a calm getaway from everything. I really think that this poem will mean a lot to the people who read it and they can all relate to it.

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