Football Nights Creating Vivid Sights | Teen Ink

Football Nights Creating Vivid Sights

January 29, 2024
By Aahan BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
Aahan BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Feet are planted still, while the wind howls.

Smashing into the opponent’s as the ref calls many fouls

Feeling dirt, grass, and grime

Thinking it’s my time to shine

Grabbing the cool-chilling water bottle

And then the rough old football

Hearing the plays and sets all around me

And spectators cheering like they’re free

The teams yelling all night long

Just like it’s a rehearsed song

The announcement booming

While players are zooming

Seeing the people in the stands

With their phones recording in their hands

The long green grass field in my vision

Watching our head coach make second split decision

Tasting salty sweat swarming in my nose

It smells like nothing like a rose

Watching the time as it goes

There's nothing to do but go home 

The author's comments:

I am a 14 year old boy, that lives in Edmond. I am originally from Nepal and I play sports, such as baseball, football, and track. I have 1 brother and a dog. And live with my mom.

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