Antlers Chapter 1 | Teen Ink

Antlers Chapter 1

February 4, 2024
By DavidDoxtader GOLD, Nelliston, New York
DavidDoxtader GOLD, Nelliston, New York
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Why so Serious?"-Heath Ledger Joker Batman The Dark Knight



"Such a majestic creature, 

I have never seen anything like it, 

I must see it again tomorrow, 

It has some amazing features. 


It's Antlers are so long, 

I should of taken the shot, 

But before I knew it he was gone, 

I will bring his Antlers home where they belong.. 


On the wall with his family dear, 

He will feed us for a good week or two,

He is scared without his family, 

I will take away his fear he volunteered..." 


"One shot Daddy and make his fear go away, 

And then we can put his head on display!!!!" 


(Next morning 5 am) 


"Dear I am going hunting again!", 

"Are you bringing the deer with the big Antlers home Daddy?", 

"Of course dear any deer for my dear!"

"Okay Daddy good luck then!!!!!" 


So I went out, 

Searching for the deer, 

The deer with the long Antlers, 

I will find what I am looking for without a doubt......


I searched for the spot, 

The spot where I saw him yesterday, 

On a boulder in the middle of the woods, 

It only takes one shot.......


When I was on my way to the boulder, 

I heard a female scream, 

It was fain and far away, 

But I kept walking because the day was getting older........


As I was getting closer to my destination, 

I heard some movement behind me, 

I turned and saw nothing, then I heard another noise, 

But this time it was in a new location.........


The location was in the trees, 

Branches were shaking, 

Something was climbing above me, 

I felt unease..........


It sounded big, 

Moving like a shadow in the trees,

I stared upwards trying to find what made the noises, 

I thought I was going to be slaughtered like a pig...........


The sound of twigs breaking, 

Branches moving and shaking, 

Fear was making, 

Earth quaking, 

The forest was awaking, 

My head spinning and aching, 

Snowflakes hitting the ground flaking, 

Wind started partaking, 

I didn't know if my eyes were mistaking, 

Or if they were just faking............


But then it all just stopped, 

And then a unknown thud appeared, 

I looked around to see where the loud noise came from, 

It sounded like something out of the tree dropped.............


The thud left me confused, 

I stood motionless, 

Whatever made the noise had to be big, 

But when I saw what had made the thud I was amused..............


It was a deer, 

I instantly forgot everything that had just happened, 

Because it was not just any deer, 

It was the deer for my dear...............


It's Antlers were so long, 

His head was facing away from me, 

Such a majestic animal, 

I need him on my wall even if killing him is wrong................


I went to grab my journal to draw a picture of it, 

But before I could draw a picture, 

He ran away from me, 

But I still chose to follow his tracks I will admit.................


I followed his tracks through the snow, 

He was bleeding, 

I will put him out of his misery, 

I will make sure his death isn't slow..................


I followed the tracks until they ended, 

The tracks stopped right in front of the boulder, 

The boulder where the buck was yesterday, 

There he was standing on the boulder looking splendid...................  


His head was facing the other way, 

I went around the boulder to get a good view, 

I needed to draw the majestic animal for my journal, 

But what I saw made me realize I was the prey....................


I stood still in fear, 

It was not the deer for my dear.....................


It stared at me with a horrible grin, 

A grin that will forever haunt me within, 

Blood dripped from it's horrifying face, 

What I was staring at was too much to embrace, 

It's eyes were glowing red, 

It looked as if it were undead......................


The stench coming from it smelt like rotten flesh, 

The blood dripping from it's mouth was fresh, 

It slowly started to transform, 

Into a bigger uglier form.......................


it's grin widened as it started to stand like a man, 

It stood on it's back hooves, that's when the transformation began, 

It's spine started to grow bigger, 

I pointed my riffle at it but couldn't pull the trigger, 

I was terrified at what I was seeing, 

It was not a mortal being........................


It's back started to crack, 

Two lumps formed on it's back, 

It's front hooves turned into giant bear claws, 

It's mouth transformed into a wolf jaw, 

It's teeth grew into fangs sharper than a knife, 

It was so scary and ugly I feared for my life.........................


It's Antlers grew bigger than before, 

It was 10 feet tall I swore, 

It's skin started to shed, 

It's insides were bloody and red, 

I saw it's organs fall out of him, 

It's body stood lim, 

It's eyes closed, I thought it had finally died, 

But then it's eyes and grin both opened wide..........................


How was it alive, 

It's organs and skin fell off, how did it survive, 

I watched organs form inside of it, 

Bloody and tissue continued to emit, 

It's body curled into an awkward position, 

New skin started to transition...........................


It's bones started to crack and reshaped, 

I should have ran away and escaped, 

The lumps on it's back started to break, 

The beast started to shake, 

Animal fur started to grow over it's new skin, 

Then once again it showed me that evil grin............................


The lumps on it's back broke, 

Eagle wings bloomed and awoke, 

It flew 30 feet in the air but it's body stayed curled, 

It then let out a demon like roar that shook the world, 

It was so loud my journal was accidentally thrown, 

No one could hear our scream, I was all alone............................


It dropped back to the ground, 

It grinned at me then it frowned, 

Then a split second later I was the one off the ground, 

It's bear claws were choking me to death, 

I quickly started to run out of breath.............................


It started to sniff me,

I struggled but couldn't get myself free, 

It then licked and slobbered all over my face, 

It then stared at me with it's red eyes full of disgrace, 

It told me with it's demon voice, 

"KilLiNg YoU wIlL fIlL mY bOdY's WiTh ReJoIcE"..............................


I couldn't let words out, 

I couldn't even shout, 

It was showing me it's evil grin, 

My eye sight was getting thin, 

My face was turning purple and blue, 

I didn't know what to do...............................


It was laughing like a demon, 

I was no longer a freeman, 

I tried to maneuver my riffle off of my shoulder, 

I was fading but then I remembered what I told her, 

"I will protect our daughter with my life I swear, 

But please don't leave us, your death will be too hard for us to bear................................"


Her last words will haunt me forever, 

"I feel the seizures coming, please pull the trigger.", 

"Mommy please don't leave us.", 

"My sweet dear, your so beautiful and clever.................................


And sense your so clever, you should know god will protect me, 

Your father will always protect you, 

Mommy can't be cured, 

Give Mommy a hug before her soul is set free.................................." 


One last hug we both gave to Momma dear, 

I kissed her on the head and said, 

"I won't be able to pull the trigger", 

She said in fear, "Death is near..................................." 


Then the seizures began, 

I wasn't ready to be a man, 

I couldn't control her shaking, 

My heart started aching, 

Baby dear started uncontrollably crying, 

We both knew Mommy was dying, 

"Daddy make it stop!", 

My own tears started to drop....................................


Foam dripped from her lips, 

She was frantically shaking her hips, 

She then fell off the bed, 

My head was filled with dread, 

I knew she was already dead, 

I sadly grabbed my riffle and said, 

"One shot, Daddy will make all of our fear go away, 

We will put her head above the fireplace for display....................................."

The author's comments:

Usually my Poetry is more personal but I wanted to write horror Poem. When I was in 11th grade I had to do a research paper on Edgar Allan Poe. At first I was iffy about doing it but once I started doing research on him I was fascinated. I ended up reading one of his famous poems called, "The Raven" which was a horror type of poem. So I was inspired to write a horror story through poetry. I have a lot of horror stories but not through poetry, and poetry is my favorite thing to write. So I made this poem, I have many other Chapters I want to write along with this story. I already have the whole story planned out all I have to do now is write it. I hope you liked this story because I have a lot more I want to write along with it, thank you as always! 

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on Feb. 7 2024 at 2:20 pm
DavidDoxtader GOLD, Nelliston, New York
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Why so Serious?"-Heath Ledger Joker Batman The Dark Knight

Two quick things from me the author, one in stanza 27 line 4 where it says, "Bloody" I meant blood with no y. Last thing in stanza 8 line 3 where it says, "fain" I meant faint. Sorry for the mistakes I hope it doesn't ruin the reading.