School | Teen Ink


February 7, 2024
By Deborah_a_s BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
Deborah_a_s BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Morning skies like Cotton candy

Cars drive by

7:30  doors open 

Lost teenagers walk in 

Teachers smile 

Bell rings

Class starts 

Teacher talks

Phones out 

Keyboards tapping

Students sleeping 

Passing period 

5 minutes 


Loud noises 



Hungry stomachs 

Where do I sit at 

Which group I fit in 

Who my true friends 

Lost teenagers 


laughing, crying, confused

who my true friends 

which group I fit in 

How do I be myself 

rumors spread 

Bell rings 

students hop in car

teachers leaves 

janitor cleans 

halls quite down 

After school 

Activities going on 

Students in groups

Which group I fit in 

Cheer, dance, color guard

I belong in color guard

True friends found 

I can be myself 

Go find your group and find who your true friends are!

The author's comments:

School can be hard 

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