to those who are as broken as me | Teen Ink

to those who are as broken as me

February 8, 2024
By amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love you I'm sorry

To those who are as broken as me

The ones who have no hope left in themselves 

The ones who are as lonely as me

Those who know that there are no happy endings

Those who know they mean nothing

And to all those who know they are worthless

To those who are cowards like me

To those who have no family

To those with nothing left to fight for

And to those with demons beside them

To those who are haunted by memories

To those who have trouble to sleep

To those who dream of being free

And to all those who can’t be loved

To those wh0 can’t afford dreams

To those who are on their own

To those who were discarded

And left to fend for themselves

And To those who have been played.

I wish I could tell you everything will be fine

But then I’d just be lying 

I wish I can say life is worth living 

But we all know that’s not true

I wish people could see from our point of view 

But that dream will never come true

They say we’re selfish

But I say they’re the selfish ones

For making us suffer from this pain


To all those who are as broken as me

Just be yourself

And don’t be afraid

Just wait a little longer

Then we’ll all be free

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This article has 10 comments.

on May. 17 2024 at 11:43 am
amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love you I'm sorry

I can't....
I can't
I gave my chance
and gave it all
im done with chances
and done with all the pity
so sorry friend
but this is the end
no more chances
no more
no more
i'm done
i'm done

on May. 2 2024 at 12:32 am
ColorsOnTheWater BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
He's not a tame lion - C.S. Lewis

He loves you
give him the chance

on Mar. 30 2024 at 12:20 pm
amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love you I'm sorry

Sorry that didn't make sense

on Mar. 28 2024 at 6:11 pm
amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love you I'm sorry

For you who just doesn't understand
I see you just don't get it
And no one can
That I was an obstacle in the lambs plan
I was never meant to happen
My parents were on drugs
And here I am
You think I'm a genius
Don't make me laugh
I'm as dumber then a rock
Trust me I wish I could believe you
I really do
But my faith is slowly slipping
I wish the lamb can save me
But he can't
For its my time to leave
So I'll carry out my plan

on Mar. 23 2024 at 8:43 pm
ColorsOnTheWater BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
He's not a tame lion - C.S. Lewis

Darn I messed up the last roman numeral

on Mar. 23 2024 at 8:28 pm
ColorsOnTheWater BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
He's not a tame lion - C.S. Lewis

Now that I know the real meaning of your poem, here is my 2.0 response.

on Mar. 23 2024 at 8:26 pm
ColorsOnTheWater BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
He's not a tame lion - C.S. Lewis

You know my story

I have been rejected
I’ve been beaten down

I have been told I’m unnatural and wrong
So many times…
I tell it to myself

See The barbed wire that I wrapped around
my legs
See my arms
See my neck
Around and around
Oil rigs drawing blood from my skin

I am literally; physically broken

The demons haunt me too
They haunt and call and jeer at me
for all I cannot do

When I row a 2k
When my oars are squared and buried
They hem me in stern and bow

The words come up from inside me.

“R*tard” “Worthless”
“Unhuman” “Monster”
“Cripple” “Freak”
“Weak” “Failure”

They tell me to die

They rise like the sea to swallow me whole
Out of the darkness the tentacles stretch
they wrap around and around

I go willingly because I believe they are right
I drown in the dust

But that is not the end

You say you wait for a death.
I too am unafraid

But there is a difference between oblivion and joy.
And I am no longer waiting

There was a lamb in the brush

He was bound to bind us back together
And He was pierced so we could be healed
He gave his crown so we could be crowned

He calls me Beautiful. Wonderfully Made.
And I believe him

He calls you Loved and Worthy and the same

Though we are just two spots on this bespeckled rock
And He is the creator of galaxies

Make no mistake
I am not to be pitied

I was dressed in darkness
There was blood on my hands

Death was imminent. It was necessary
And I tried

But before I could do it
He died himself for me

He does it for you!

I looked up
there is a light in the darkness
And the darkness does not overcome it

If you tarry till you’re better
You will never come

There is a seat here
For you at his table

It’s not what you do
But what he has done… for you

Look and be set free

This is everlasting life
This is better than oblivion

on Mar. 22 2024 at 12:12 am
ColorsOnTheWater BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
He's not a tame lion - C.S. Lewis

First of all you are a literary genius. your second poem reveals a depth in your first that is entirely new to me. At first, second, and third glance it seems like you're falling for hopeless optimism, but in fact you're consoling the broken with the thought of death... That is both haunting and really really cool. Also the fact that you were able to take my words, (which were meant to suggest that because you can be yourself, you are worthy) apply a slight change in tone and to suggest the very opposite... that is pure genius.

I still disagree with you though. I've got another poem coming.

on Mar. 6 2024 at 11:46 am
amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love you I'm sorry

your right how can I be myself if i know im worthless?
how am I worthy
and I wait for a death
not dreams that wont come true
so to whom who answered my poem
if you knew me you'd agree
that life would be better with out me
all I do is make mistakes and make things worse
if you knew my background you would know
that I have no future left for me

on Feb. 12 2024 at 11:42 pm
ColorsOnTheWater BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
He's not a tame lion - C.S. Lewis

To you... who is as broken as I am
How can you be yourself if you know you are worthless?
How can you wait a little longer...
... for a dream that you know won't come true?

yes the pain is there
I have felt it,
so have you.
searing in its power

But I have this to say - the truth
from broken me to broken you

You are, truly, worthy
You are, truly, loved
You're invited, truly, to a weighty life

accept it
and you are truly justified

I know you think you know
I thought I did too

But here is the truth
Truly, truly I say to you
let it set you free