A Cool Writing | Teen Ink

A Cool Writing

February 15, 2024
By Francisco6000 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
Francisco6000 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Upon the dusty, wooden library shelf I lay.

Nobody checks me out. Nobody looks my way.



Day someone did…


They were not pleased. Most view me as a worthless, boring book.

Some don’t think this way. And I

Agree. I implore you to read. Please. I don’t blame you. Lots don’t have, even the time of day to look. They view me as a pageless book.


Uncompelling, waste of space, attempt at something good. Low

-ley wasting on the floor. Laying near the door. No one had the guts to even place me in the return bin.


If someone saw me on the shelf, they wouldn’t walk in. I heard the librarian say the shelf looked cleaner without me. I


Don’t know If she meant it. She was tired that day. I thought o

-kay. It was late so I won't worry.


Next day I awoke in a new place. Wow everyday I'm lear

-ning something new. I don’t know if this was an attempt to get rid of me. Maybe not that bad, Although my thoughts were not encour-aging.


I saw someone rum-maging, was I now just trash? Through a window I saw birds flut-tering. In a drawer I saw cut


-lery. Did someone buy or even check me out? Then I saw the man say, “O-kay, let’s try this out.”


He opened me up, wasn’t pleased. I was dirty, not clean. A somewhat strange format for a book to be seen.


Page 2

Though the man persisted. Some parts were rough and he resisted. He was on


Page 20 when there was a printing issue. He was annoyed, then said to himself, “Patience is a virtue.” Then a girl came in, she sad, “Hey dad” He responds, “Hey


Jess, almost past curfew.” “Sorry,” She added. “You're fine,” He said meekly while chuckling. “What’cha got there?” She asked.


“Just a waste of time.” the man said while nonchalantly tossing me to the ground. It was loud on the wooden floor. She picked me up and asked why.

He started to explain why I was no regular book. She gave no regular look. He elaborated about how I wasn’t in line.

He said I wasn’t compelling at this point yelling. She wanted to try it. He denied it. After hours she got to read me. She said she would try

To pay the fee, to buy. I think she felt for me. She is one who is non-Judgemental.


Don’t judge a book by its cover. She loved my story while the man hovered. She stopped on page 46 and said it’s a precious story.


“I don’t understand why you think it’s boring.” With a jarring look he confided. She said “There really aren't any other books like it.”


Later they read the rest of the story. Together they finally read me in glory. To the expert my story is lethal.

Now It was time to get the sequel.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a mysterious book that most people hate.

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