Hallucinations | Teen Ink


February 15, 2024
By rianaaa08 BRONZE, Delhi, Other
rianaaa08 BRONZE, Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some things are meant to happen, just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay.

-trent shelton

At a specific crossroads in this journey called life, there dawns a heightened understanding of worldly matters.

One becomes skilled in the art of engaging with souls harboring diverse perspectives, mastering the art of cherishing each individual's point of view. However, amidst this intricate dance, we unknowingly neglect the significance of our own thoughts and the profound influence that unique choices can wield upon our very existence

. It is imperative to engage in profound reflection before embarking on any new venture, for avoiding procrastination plays a pivotal role in averting unwarranted delays.


When one comprehends the purport of uncorking the burdensome rudiments that weigh them down, they attain a portentous command over life. However, it's pivotal to cherish the itty- bitty rates, for they're what loan humanity to one's being.


Engaging in hallucinations of sheeny days shall not ameliorate matters, as it's solely through adoring one's own whacks that they lift.

The author's comments:

Something i contemplated during my night walk

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