Please, Name? | Teen Ink

Please, Name?

February 17, 2024
By Wcgarcia23 SILVER, Muttontown, New York
Wcgarcia23 SILVER, Muttontown, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving. -MLK

America, the land of the free,

where dreams come to bloom,

and the possibilities are numerous,

and success is guarantee,

and a society that values every citizen,

Let me tell you about a kid,

He has a name but nobody knows that,

His dad’s and an alcoholic but nobody knows that,

He’s just that guy in the back of the class,

with his hood up and eyes shut,

Yo, Ms. Gallagher who is that,

hold on let me check my attendance sheet,

Thomas? Ryan? Antonio? Jose? Maybe Pierre?

Just a forgotten kid left to rot in a school system that doesn’t care about him,

You know he’s also been having some odd thoughts,

Like why don't I call this messed up game of life quits,

I mean I’m a nobody, so lonely that no one even cares to bully me,

What am I saying,

If I’m dying anyways,

This whole school coming with me,

Forget my teacher who forgot my name,

Forget my parents that I know dont love me,

I mean all Dad does is beat me,

Oh wait he doesn’t even lock the gun safe no more,

I think we all know where this one goes,

Wait what was that kids name again,

What? The one on the news.

The author's comments:

I think we’re all tired of waiting for the next mass shooting too pop up. It’s time we start asking for names and start asking how your day was? I write this with gratitude knowing that I have a loving family behind me but what about all those kids that don’t and attend schools that don’t care.

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