The Disease of Neglect | Teen Ink

The Disease of Neglect

February 22, 2024
By Sy0usu4 BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
Sy0usu4 BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Flowers, flowers, flowers, 
Look at the beautiful bouquet of flowers. 
Each flower a unique, work of art. 
Each one has a distinguishable scent. 
All you must do is water them twice a day, shower them with sunlight and do your part. 
Is that so hard?
The rule is, to not disregard. 
Flowers are like humans. 
A flower is something that blooms and flourishes,
 it paves the way for new flowers and fulfills its duty.
It establishes a world of elegance and beauty. 
Every flower’s scent is a lasting mark. 
Some in our heads, while others in our hearts. 
Like when you enter your home and the fragrance of your flowers hits your face,
your mind is at ease, as is your heart.
Flowers are like humans. 
When given love and warmth they thrive, blossom, and prosper. 
But when that warmth is taken, the neglection eats them away.
It starts when they begin to wither and break, crack and crumble all around.
Then their stems begin to wilt, and turn a decaying brown.
Petals, petals, fallen on the ground all around the flowers.
In the torrid sunlight they combust.
Until they're gone, nothing but dust. 
The flowers you once knew, are destroyed. 
So, I say again, flowers are like humans.
Fragile and delicate. 
If cared for properly, they live.
If no longer cared for, they die. 
Now the aroma of the flowers you smelled once is gone. 
The scent that invaded your nostrils, 
the one that seeped into your body and into your mind. 
But you were blind. 
Blinded by devotion, fame, and succession. 
Too driven. 
You could not see what was right there, what needed you most, and you forgot. 
You forgot about them. 
All it took was one decision. 
Just a little neglection.
The flowers that once would shimmer and shine in the sunlight now lay dead in the darkness. 
Gone, obliterated, destroyed, just a carcass.
Their beauty lay tattered and torn.
So much so that not even their essence remains borne.
All that is left is a shadow in the air.
Of what once, was standing there.
Flowers are like humans.
Once the flower begins to fall apart, and the petals begin to disintegrate,
it is just a matter of time before the entire flower crumbles.
And when the flowers fracture completely, 
it is near impossible to put them together again.
Pay heed while there is time.
For time waits for no one.




The author's comments:

I wrote this piece after I had personally seen someone go through this i felt as though children who undergo such neglect may seem fine on the outside but on the inside they are pleading for help.

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