Shipwreck | Teen Ink


February 22, 2024
By pony007 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
pony007 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Praise to my father 

For he's blessed by the water

For him it was such an easy feat

For him to never falter 

For him it was second nature 

The water was his companion, a friend 

The water that i sail upon 

The water which ruined me

The water that's left me as a shipwreck 

Left me beaten, batterted, splintered, tattered  

Left me to drift endlessly with no direction 

Left me cold, sad and with scurvy 

Left me to think and wonder where i went wrong 

My soaked and scattered pieces littering the ocean 

My disgrace of a ship 

My faded flag atop the mast 

My ripped, wet, torn clothes 

I can't read a map

I can't manage a crew 

I can't handle the sea

I can't be like him

Praise to my father 

For i am forsaken by the water 

The author's comments:

i love my dad fr 

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