Where The Wind Blows, Rain Follows | Teen Ink

Where The Wind Blows, Rain Follows

February 24, 2024
By denominationunification87 BRONZE, Southern, New York
denominationunification87 BRONZE, Southern, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To what extent does today's actions affect tomorrow?

I mean I know, Where the wind blows, the rain follows,

And where the grass grows, the land basks in sorrow,

So, do opposites only exist in a finite world?

If I change one culture, will another culture fold,

Where the wind blows, the rain follows,

One day the same old, the next day I feel like Apollo,

How much of what I believe is based on my needs, 

How much of what I crave is a reaction to pain?

How much disdain must I entertain till my brain decides to recluse?

Writers tend to write with a purpose, but what If I only write aloof?

Write your truth, pen your story, but, the injustice of others, makes me worry,

40 years of age, another human whipped and chained in a mental game, for others glory,

Report back to authority is like watching civilization fall with no solution,

Marred in confusion, clueless how to start, no use in a student, with brains but no heart,

Hydrogen, barrel and blockbuster, decaying skin, enemy, lackluster, 

We at our metaphorical Fort. Sumter, are we union or confederates?

United or lying hypocrites?


As much as you try, you can’t alter facts,

Back home, lunchroom, either falter or fight back,

Back home, lunchroom, kids tell me,”bite the Mack”,

Imagination stunted my vision like I wore a mask,

Infatuation with the philosopher's theory, was my class,

Relax, we tell those addicted to drama, 

Relapse, ain’t never been away from problem,

The source of your suffering is your access to pharma,

Where the wind blows, rain follows,

Where sun clouds displayed, rainbows follow,

Where lightning strikes, 

Sparks of darkness ignite,

And the land basks in the horrors of tomorrow,

The author's comments:

My hope is that this poem stirs the reader into a more conscious view of life. Those more conservative loosen up and try to understand the meaning of the analogies (that which is not explicitly obvious). 

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