More Than Sports | Teen Ink

More Than Sports

February 26, 2024
By CharlieRustad BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
CharlieRustad BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For some people, sports is their whole identity

Their whole life

It is all they talk about

Think about,

And the only thing that keeps them going.

But chances are you won’t be playing them forever.

Most people won’t go pro.

You need to broaden your interests,

Find things you like doing

You might find out that life has more to offer,

Than just sports

Don’t get me wrong, sports are awesome,

I think that they are the best part of school.

Sports help build character and teach you a lot of things

But sometimes, 

They become your whole life.

Like when I started writing this poem, 

And all I had in my head was “Baseball, Football, Basketball.”

And I could not think of anything else

Think of your interests

If you love sports

You could be a coach

A trainer, 

Or maybe a ref,

But usually, you need more than just that

There are so many opportunities 

Each one a different path

You could do anything

Be anything,

You just have to put your mind to it

Take the things you learned in sports

The hard work, 

The dedication,

The perseverance,

And put that into something else that you think you might like

You never know,

You might find something awesome

Maybe a new hobby,

Something to do for fun

It might surprise you,

All your different interests,

You just have to step out of your comfort zone

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