Lu | Teen Ink


February 27, 2024
By mirandaburgdorf2324 BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
mirandaburgdorf2324 BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the day we got you

you were only a couple of weeks old.

You were originally dad’s Valentine’s Day present.

Over the last 7 years,

you became everyone’s fur baby.

But the last year and a half,

you’ve been my emotional support;

my best friend.

The one I could truly 100% always count on.

You became my reason for waking up

and getting out of bed every morning.

You became my whole world.

My savior.

You’re the reason I’ve made it this far in life.

I could not have gotten through the last few years,

without you, babygirl.

I keep trying to say,

You passed only five days after your 7th birthday.

It’s been two days,

and I miss those beautiful baby blue eyes already.

I think we all knew something was going to happen that night

but everyone was afraid to say it;

You laid on top of me crying with me,

from 2:00 until 7:00

when we tried leaving to the vet.

You didn’t make it to the vet;

5 minutes away.

You passed on my lap in the car.

You didn’t want to be alone,

and we made sure of it.

I hope you’re having it out with your sister again

Having fun with your very long and extremely loud sister battles.

Don’t get on her nerves too much,

she can still kick your butt.

And now it’s been a month;

and I still miss you just as much as I did that night.

Still wrapping my head around the truth.

Keep watching over me;

Lord knows I need it.

I love you so much Lu.

Fly high sweet girl!


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