Dare | Teen Ink


February 27, 2024
By abigailbeckstrom SILVER, Holcomb, Kansas
abigailbeckstrom SILVER, Holcomb, Kansas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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acne is like freckles, it gives you character and makes you unique.

You gave me dares and I told truths,

 you lied and I still said truths,

 you lied and I lied, I cared; you didn’t.

 Because you never could,

 it was easier for you to leave than for you stay and make me cry harder,

 because it felt as always you were never there; truth be told,

 you never should have. Because that only made me miss you less and less,

 though I still think about you, I don’t wish for you to come back.

 Because you were never there..even though you left.

The author's comments:

This is about my ex bestfriend of seven years.

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