The Poster | Teen Ink

The Poster

February 27, 2024
By Anonymous



Alyssa Baker


14 years old 

5 feet 6 inches 

Brown, long hair, green eyes 

About 135 pounds 

Last seen in Jacksonville at around 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7th wearing school uniform: white polo and beige skirt 



September 8th 

What's more important than the poster?

A tutor walks by the poster on his way to work, holding a cup of coffee. 

He glances towards it; but before he can read it, he trips and spills his drink. 

The coffee was more important. 

What's more important than the poster?

One of the cashiers of the CVS in front of the pole with the poster stapled onto it sees the poster from the window.

He mumbles about how it’s stapled over one of the advertisements he put up for his dog-walking business.

Walking dogs was more important.

September 24th 

What's more important than the poster?

A cyclist bikes by the poster.

As he looks around, he sees the poster and slows down.

His Apple Watch buzzes and alerts him he’s no longer on pace.

The workout was more important.

What's more important than the poster?

A mother of 3 drives past the pole with the poster stapled onto it in her minivan. 

She spots the poster, but then her daughter complains that the Wi-Fi doesn't work in the car.

Her mother hands her her phone to play games on.

The phone was more important.

October 16th

What's more important than the poster?

Two teenage girls walk by the poster. 

They stop to read it, and one takes a photo to post it.

“People will think it's weird you care so much,” says the other. “Nobody else posted it.”

The girl deletes it.

What other people think was more important.

What's more important than the poster? 

A man stops at a red light beside the pole with the poster stapled onto it. 

He spots the poster, but then sees another poster for a new movie releasing next summer above it. 

His attention is stolen, just like the girl.

The movie was more important.

November 3rd

What's more important than the poster?

A woman sees the poster. 

She doesn't walk by it; she walks to it.

In her hand is an extra-large poster advertising her recently-opened coffee shop down the street.

She tears down the poster along with a few others.

She staples her poster onto the bare pole.

What's more important than the poster?

Anything, it seems.

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