Looking Past the Screen | Teen Ink

Looking Past the Screen MAG

February 27, 2024
By danielfriedland26 BRONZE, New York, New York
danielfriedland26 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In realms of light where pixels play,

We lose ourselves in screens each day.

Addicted to the touch and scroll,

In digital depths, we lose control.

Hours pass, like whispers gone,

To the screen's glow, we're drawn.

But look beyond the glassy sheen,

And find the world that's rarely seen.

Switch off the light, step into day,

There's a real world waiting, don't delay.

For beyond the screen's hypnotic spree,

Breathe, live, feel, and truly be.

The author's comments:

My inspiration for this piece primarily came from my own life in which I struggle with some of the concepts discussed in the poem. I know that many others in my generation have the same struggles as me, and I wanted to communicate that through this piece. It talks about the struggles to look past your screen into the wider world and to see beyond the pixels and the blue light. 

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