First Day Opinions | Teen Ink

First Day Opinions

March 3, 2024
By james_mccracken03 BRONZE, Devon, Pennsylvania
james_mccracken03 BRONZE, Devon, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first day of school, jitters falling from my head to my stomach

Walking through the doors I haven't seen in months

Seeing new people walk by I have never seen before

        Wondering what sports they played or what subjects they liked best

As I walked through the halls I grew jealous of all of the new kids

Since I was at this school for 8th grade seeing all of these new people was intimating

I started judging people before I met them

Wondering why his hair was that color, and if he was really that good at football.

Later that day I was thinking what do these people think of me

Do they think I am just this lacrosse jock, who only cares about himself?

The longer I thought about it I realized that this was my first year of high school 

And I need to make a good impression on others

I started talking to new people and making new friends

Some that would become my best friends

And the people I look up to

The moral of the story is to not prejudge people 

Just because you are jealous of people and their popularity 

 doesn't mean you have to be mean to them

You should get to know them and then judge them off of that

Don’t make impressions off looks

Read the book, then look at the cover.  

The author's comments:

I made this piece in class and really liked it. It is about myself prejudging people in one specific scenario, the first day of school.   

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