The Kids's Table | Teen Ink

The Kids's Table

March 4, 2024
By Anonymous

Coming to Christmas dinner thinking it will finally be the year

I will sit at the adult’s table since I’ve come of age

Just like how my cousins did when they turned 12

I get my dinner and pop a squat next to my uncle

“Why are you sitting with the adults?,” “Your not old enough,” he scowls

I hadn’t seen this Uncle for 3 years and he must think I’m the same little kid as before

Maybe he forgot my twelfth birthday was last year 

So I tell him all my cousins sat with the grown ups when they were twelve

“Your not mature, you still act like a baby,” My grumpy uncle growls

The last time I talked to Uncle Fred I still thought monsters lived in my closet

Even though I always did my chores and got A’s in school

My grumpy old uncle still though I was the kid from 3 years ago

This is what I’d waited, and waited, and waited for since I could walk and talk

But Uncle Fred thought I wasn’t good enough to sit with the likes of him

Even though uncle Fred dropped out of college and lives with my Grandma and Pop-pop

He stills thinks he's too good to sit with a pipsqueak like me

As I walk away dejected to the kid’s table with mash potatoes flying around

“Ka-plunk” a green bean lands in my brothers drink 

All my cousins begin laughing as my brothers tries to find the culprit

As dinner goes on the kid’s table keeps erupting in laughter like were in pompeii 

The adult’s table in the dining room always seems to be quiet 

Sounds like a morgue in there no laughter and joy

I realize I’d have more fun at the kid’s table than I’d ever have hearing about the S&P at the adult’s table

Why was I rushing to become an adult?

I have to enjoy my formative years while they last at The Kid’s Table.

The author's comments:

I like Fortnite and ice cream and this is a story about a time I was prejudged

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