Tech genius | Teen Ink

Tech genius

March 4, 2024
By Tam GOLD, Hai Phong, Other
Tam GOLD, Hai Phong, Other
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Crazy people are not crazy if one accepts their reasoning." - Grabriel Garcia Marquez
"Yeah, the D.A.'s Good. Only Let's Make It Stand For Dumbledore's Army Because That's The Ministry's Worst Fear, Isn't It?" - Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix)

My genius inventor

Where are you?

In my dreams, my soul, my body

All possibilities out

The first time I saw you

I’ve been stunned by your look

Before seeing your super tech peformance

The skills you carry

Got me acknowledge

Like a light being enlightened

On the tip of the crown

Your auto-touch

Awaken something in me

I don’t know what it is

I never bring out my tears easily

Yet with you,

I shamelessly wear my heart on sleeves

To the point I get overwhelmed

By the beat of my heart

And the rhythm of your sound

You got me like that

How could you?


Such a vigorous mind

Not many could hardly beat

You have the hands

Moving graciously smooth

But you’re an idiot

Showing up in my dreams

When you don’t care I exist

A brainy savage

A tech savvy

Smooth as criminal

What else you couldn’t be

Your quick wit got me thinking

We’re meant to be

So tell me, why are you doing this?

Let me lose control

Tired and reckless

You’re an entire different universe

Zillion miles away

Unsurpassed the species

Supernatural and untouchable

But you’re the one

I feel closest to

Even though we don’t know each other

I understand you more

Than people know my feelings

I’m not afraid to love

Just afraid I fell for someone

Whose presence I can’t see

Whose soul I can’t touch

Who’s…not even real

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