In two more years | Teen Ink

In two more years

March 6, 2024
By LeanneS BRONZE, Hartford, Connecticut
LeanneS BRONZE, Hartford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In two more years I will be 13

I will be in middle school 

I will have the biggest group of friends and my clothes will be amazing

At least that's what I want to believe

In two more years I will graduate 

I will be 18 

I think I miss when I could say “In two more years I will still be a kid” 

When I hear about my favorite show coming out with a new season in 2026 

I think that year looks familiar 

That’s because that's the year I have to become unimportant 

That's the year when my talents aren't special

And my humor isn't cute

That’s the year when old ladies won't call me cute

And my parents expect me to know everything

In two more years I will…? 

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