I am Tandy Angel | Teen Ink

I am Tandy Angel

March 19, 2024
By 999295 BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
999295 BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a city that never sleeps

Screams of sirens are heard down every street

That night, that dreadful night

Those sirens lead to me

My heart nearly beating out of my chest

At the sound of the intercom

Buzzing and calling my name

Miss Tandy, Miss Tandy, it’s 911

My parents are dead

I should have been screaming

I should have been crying my eyes out

I should have been balled up in the corner

Frozen like I’m paralyzed,

But that’s not me

I am not that girl

I have no emotion

I am a hollow pit

I am Tandy Angel

The author's comments:

This was based on a main character from the book I read "Confessions of a Murder Suspect". 

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