Fading Embers or Glowing Remnants? | Teen Ink

Fading Embers or Glowing Remnants?

March 29, 2024
By JLI SILVER, Mclean, Virginia
JLI SILVER, Mclean, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                                   In friendship's cradle, sweetness brightly gleams,

                                   Like ripened fruit, their presence, pure delight,

                                   Yet, as the miles stretch, do we still hold our dreams,

                                   Do connections thrive or fade within the night?


                                   As fickle winds disperse, our paths diverge,

                                   Though echoes linger in moments' calm repose,

                                   Do distant words these bonds no longer urge,

                                   Do friendships dull or through the years, transpose?


                                   As life's swift moments steal our once-shared days,

                                   Rendering vivid bonds to faint retreating forms,

                                   Does the zeal of our words dwindle in the maze,

                                   Do friendships dim or alter in varied norms?


                                   Does time, a silent veil, obscure our ties,

                                   Or does distance reveal what bonds endure?

                                   Do cherished friends become mere passersby,

                                   Do strangers walk where old friends once were sure?


                                   Memories, like stars upon a canvas shine,

                                   Guiding us through paths where hearts once led,

                                   Shouldn't we cherish each shared moment divine,

                                   In bonds once forged, where do love's roots spread?


                                   Let honesty and trust be seeds we've sown,

                                   For loyalty's blooms from their embrace shall grow,

                                   Can distance truly break the ties we've known,

                                   Or do they persist, like embers' fervent glow?


                                   Within their glow, a touch of silk's caress,

                                   A scent, a fragrant bouquet of memories unfold,

                                   Their sound, a chorus, tender words profess,

                                   In whispers carried by winds, stories retold.


                                   Through life's intricate dance, does distance enhance,

                                   Or does it fade the hues of love so true?

                                   Can friendships brave the tides of separation's expanse,

                                   Or vanish like the morning's misty dew?


                                   In life's vast tapestry, amidst the fray,

                                   We ponder over what essence defines,

                                   Does distance erode friendships, or do they stay,

                                   Like remnants glowing where affection intertwines?


                                   Fading embers hint at tales we've weaved,

                                   Yet glowing remnants echo love's refrain,

                                   In separations, bonds are not deceived,

                                   True friendships endure, through loss or gain.


                                   So let us cherish friendships as they bloom,

                                   Despite the miles that fate may set us through,

                                   For in hearts' embrace, amidst the gloom,

                                   Glowing remnants affirm friendships true.

The author's comments:

In the quiet moments of reflection, I've penned a heartfelt exploration of friendship through the verses of "Fading Embers or Glowing Remnants?" This poem is a personal journey, a musing on the essence of companionship that stirs deep within me. As I navigate life's twists and turns, I've often found myself pondering the impact of distance and time on the bonds that mean the most. Through the imagery of fading embers and glowing remnants, I've tried to capture the bittersweet beauty of these connections, wondering if they endure like steadfast beacons or gently fade into the tapestry of memories. Sharing this piece is like opening a window to my soul, inviting you to join me in contemplating the timeless magic and resilience found in true friendship. 

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