My Name Is SunnySkies, Hear My Cry. | Teen Ink

My Name Is SunnySkies, Hear My Cry.

March 29, 2024
By SunnySkies GOLD, Cleveland, Tennessee
SunnySkies GOLD, Cleveland, Tennessee
19 articles 4 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine, we'll understand it, all by and by.

My name is Sunny Skies

but I’m ironically overcast…

My life isn’t going to be easy-

I know that.

My family understands me,

but but I don’t?


My life is centered around Jesus,

but I fall into temptation anyways.


I take stuff to help;

sometimes I almost choke,

My mom says, “It’s helping;”

I say it just sacrifices my voice for internal pain.


I still feel, I can still breathe and hear.


The storm in my head makes its way down to my gut,

and instead of my head-

I follow the tempest.


Something’s wrong inside me, my guilt won’t wash away, no matter how many times I might say, “Go away, go away!”

The battle never ceases.

My only hope is the Lord Jesus,

he’s enough;

but I’m only human,

I know he knows what I feel.

That’s why I don’t fear going to Heaven.

What would be the 10th thing I’d do there?

Well after breathing my first celestial breath,

seeing his face,

hearing him speak,

entering the gates,

holding his hand,

walking through the promised land,

seeing those I hoped I’d see,

seeing all the angels who cheered for me,

swimming in the crystal sea,

all while praising God;

I’d lay in the light of his glory, because the sun wouldn’t exist.

That’s what I’d do.


But for now…I take my vitamins.

Sometimes I forget, sometimes I “forget.”


My name is Sunnyskies,

but I’m also ironically overcast.

This is me..

But not forever.

The author's comments:

I’m not depressed, or sad;

sometimes I just feel bad. 

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