for chris | Teen Ink

for chris

April 3, 2024
By MS_Blues GOLD, San Jose, California
MS_Blues GOLD, San Jose, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality."
- T.S. Eliot

– te quiero
aloha wau ʻiā ʻoe –

with all of my heart,
i say this (i love you).

i wish i could tell you that.
well, technically, i can –
you’re only a phone call away,
the matter of dialing 10 digits
with my trembling fingers –
but still,
i cannot produce the courage
in my heart
to admit my emotions to you,
and you’re not helping by what you do;
playing that music you know i like while you drive & i ride,
the way you rock those aviators across those deep, engrossing brown eyes,
forget your smile –
it can being the most decayed flowers back to life.

you are something.

folks know me to run a little wild,
talk smart & loud, with a smile –
but when i’m around you,
i can’t seem to open my mouth,
and when i do,
i feel like my heart is going to jump out
and run into the clouds,
because you’re just above them –
you are like the illusion they call heaven.
i love you, like people do,
i want to pass the gates and enter your heart, like people yearn to do,
and i believe in you and me being together,
in love, like people do.

i wonder –
am i just a big, stupid ‘ol fool?

The author's comments:

M.S. Blues is an 18 year old multiracial, queer, and versatile writer who has been writing since the age of seven. Her work revolves around the darker pieces of humanity society tends to neglect. She has been abundantly published by many literary magazines and currently serves as an editor to The Amazine, Adolescence Magazine, The Elysian Chronicles, and Hyacinthus Zine. 

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