The Next Chapter | Teen Ink

The Next Chapter MAG

April 10, 2024
By Anonymous

“When I finally arrive there-

And it will take many days and nights-

I would like to believe others will be waiting 

And might even want to know how it was.”

The next chapter of my life is about to begin.

The unknown is scary to think about. 

Living in a new place with new people. 

What if I hate it?

I’ll miss my loving parents, 

my bright room with my blue bed sheets, 

and having my own bathroom.

I’ll miss my hometown friends 

and my cat.

But what if I thrive? 

What if I love it?

I’ll make new friends.

I’ll love the new environment.

I will be able to come home for breaks

to see my friends and family.

It will be like a long vacation.

When I finally arrive there,

I hope I love it 

I hope I don’t get homesick.

I hope it becomes my new home.

When I finally arrive. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about my life and the next chapter of my life. 

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