Her | Teen Ink


April 11, 2024
By abby_droege BRONZE, Lousiville, Kentucky
abby_droege BRONZE, Lousiville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The little girl smiles at me like there is nothing more important than this moment,

She dances and sings like no one's watching

She screams the lyrics even though it sounds like nails on a chalkboard

She twirls and whirls in the cold breeze as she walks with her head held high

She laughs like a manic and doesn’t care who watches

She rides her bike as the wind blows through her hair

She scribbles with chalk on the sidewalk

She picks up the dust from the chalk and pours it over her to make her fly like fairies do

She winks at herself when she sees how beautiful she looks in the mirror

She jumps in puddles and causes an explosion so the water flies everywhere


She puts on her best fake smile for anyone watching

She tries her best but always ends up failing anyway

She twists the knife that is buried in her heart every time she degrades herself

She shys away from the mirror that shows her the one thing that disgusts her, herself

She looks at herself in the mirror and whispers all the things that make her cry at night

She holds in her laughter, afraid of what other’s might think

She goes on walks only to clear her head of all the disgusting comments that are swirling in

She listens to music to drown the world out and finally be able to catch her breath

She pushes herself to the point of exhaustion just to look at the A on her report card

She tries to write how she feels but the paper stayed empty, and she realized she couldn’t have described it any better herself


One day it all clicked,

That little girl was still in here even through her suffering

The little girl would peak her head out every so often

When she went heard music blasting

When she sees a puddle

When she sees chalk on the ground during her walks

That little girl never left, she was just suppressed by her teenage self

She was still alive in there and just wanted to get out of all the teenage feelings in there too

She didn’t want to be in her negative feelings,

The little girl just wanted to be skipping and smiling

She just had to let that little girl out, who just wanted to live instead of just survive

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because i wanted people to see what a life as a teenager does to the innocent child as the grow up. How much you forget who you are because you are so focused on friends, grades, sports, etc. 

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