Lacy, By Olivia Rodrigo | Teen Ink

Lacy, By Olivia Rodrigo

April 12, 2024
By Silvanab2 BRONZE, New City, New York
Silvanab2 BRONZE, New City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blake’s cries echo in the house, you

Would never believe that my parents got

Sad at Blake’s cries, but not mine, the

Other one in the family, the one

Daughter who tries and tries to get the thing

Everyone deserves, equality, I

Think it is the ONLY thing I want

The author's comments:

My poem’s main topic is inequality, Blair has to deal with the expectations of her society and her parents. The story conveys that women and Blair should be at the same level as men and everyone should be offered the same amount of rights no matter who they are. This poem can make people contemplate the differences in their society and the unfairness that occurs to people every single day, even in our day and age.

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