Give and Give | Teen Ink

Give and Give

April 15, 2024
By Zero_Carter SILVER, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Zero_Carter SILVER, Kalamazoo, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I want to be content with being an abandoned doll.

I am a giver

And you are a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

I give 

Even though I know you will only demand more

And more

And more . . .

Until there is nothing left of me

You claim to be a saint but are the very thing that drags them to hell.

Spouting fake promises and sugar-coated lies

You fool the people around you

So that in their minds

You are the God

And I am the Devil who demands your demise. 

All I do is give

And I get nothing in return but your awful words

And disguised stares

And false comments

And a mockery of myself and my home. 

All I do is give

And all you know how to do

Is take. 

The author's comments:

This is about my mom's boyfriend. For five years he has done nothing but take from me and my family, so I thought I'd write a poem about it. 

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