Gratitude | Teen Ink


April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

Growing up I never realized how lucky I was, now looking back I realize not everyone had siblings growing up, and not everyone had a built-in shoulder to cry on when they were upset or climb on top of at a concert when you couldn't see over anyone. My brother isn't just a sibling to me, he is a best friend. I was always told that when I was born a new part of my brother was too. When I was a baby he never put me down. In all the pictures of us, I was always in his arms, on his shoulders, or right by his side. I and Connor are 6 years apart but we always thought we were the same age when my brother was in high school I might have been 8 years old but I acted as if I was a freshman too, he always included me in everything he did, I remember when he left for college I thought that was going to be the end of my life, let alone 3 years later when he told me “I think I'm gonna join the military”, it was the most shocking crazy feeling but I knew I had to be by his side. 

When I was growing up, if you would ask me who I wanted to be when I grew up I would have said my brother, Connor. He was always the person right by my side, weather i was crying or laughing. Having a sibling is a blessing i never thought to appreciate until it was taken away from me, i never thought not getting to see you for 9 months, not getting to talk to you for months at a time until i didnt have that opportunity anymore. When connor left for california i was a freshman in high school, i remember not knowing exactly what would happen and being scared. I still am scared and its veen 4 years. Through the 6 months of training, 9 months of deployment and another 9 months currently of deployment, my appreciation has grown for the time we have together.

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