You, to Me | Teen Ink

You, to Me

April 21, 2024
By Anonymous

In my quiet dreams, you

are there & the birds sing louder.

i lay with my head in your lap, or

sometimes yours in mine, and

nothing happens.

i don’t like it when you talk.

That reaches my dreams, too,

dread. You make a nicer idea than

person. But the silence between us

is never sad because the birds are singing &

that symbolizes happiness. My English

teacher said so.

i am terribly

good at imagining. If my dreams

were less quiet, you’d know it too.

Perhaps you can hear my

hope, during math class,

that your eyes would be

as soft as I want them.

You run your hands through

my hair, in these

dreams. I look up, to see

your face, but you look

out. There is a horizon

I don’t understand, and won’t

go away. 

So I close my eyes.

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