Leave Me Alone | Teen Ink

Leave Me Alone

April 22, 2024
By Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
20 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud." - Dr. Death-Defying

Leave me alone

Is what I wrote when I first met you

Your face intruded into my life

I wanted you out


Leave me alone

Is what was scrawled across my hand

I tried to wipe it away, but it wouldn’t come off

Just like you


Leave me alone

You sat with me, not caring about the stares

You knew your place, although persistent

You wanted to be my friend


Leave me alone

It’s always been me, me against everyone else

I had a handle on life, and no one could interrupt

But you distracted me


Leave me alone

My pen hovers over the paper, my mind taken up by you

You infect everywhere I go with your presence

But for some reason I don’t mind


Leave me alone

I yell at my own thoughts, banishing you in my mind

But you stick like dried glue

And I can’t dissolve it


Leave me alone

Is what I wish I’d said when you saved my life that day

I wouldn’t be wrapped up in this mess

But you’re different and I don’t wish that


Leave me alone

Is what I say to myself, brushing everything off

I’m my own roadblock, not you

You help me


Leave me alone

I say to the world, the world fighting against us

You make me myself, someone I’ve never been

But I never know how to tell you:


Don’t leave me

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my friend who stuck with me for a really long time, despite me being “the weird kid”.

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