I am The Moon. | Teen Ink

I am The Moon.

April 29, 2024
By RioLou BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
RioLou BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.” - Thomas Jefferson.

I am the Moon.

The Second place.

The Runner up.

The Understudy.

Always One behind,

From being the greatest.

I am not always seen,

But when I am,

And when the world finally focuses on me,

Just for a moment,

I am only seen from the light of another.

My accomplishments,

My good deeds,

Everything I have ever done,

Has only been known

Through another’s shine.

I try to shine,

But I am incapable.

It is all I have ever known.

It is all I will ever know.

I am the Moon.

I cannot break free.

I am tidally locked to society,

Never able to show my other side,

My true side.

I am constantly moving,

Never on my own,

Always assisted.

Not many have visited me.

Not many have cared enough,

To stay with me,

To listen to me,

To study me.

But to the ones that have stayed with me,

The ones that have listened to me,

The ones that have studied me,

Thank you.

I may only be seen Physically in another’s light,

But you do not let that define me.

You see me on my dark days,

When there is no shine.

On days where I am barely visible,

Only seen through memories.

But you keep those memories.

You are the astronauts of my life.

You speak up for me.

You let the people know who I truly am.

Even if the shine stops,

And I cannot be seen.

The memories of me will forever be remembered.

The memories you spread,

When I had no voice.

You may not have changed me physically,

But you have changed me mentally.

I am a different person because of my Astronauts.

I will always be thankful for them.

My people.

My people that always care,

And love,

And protect me.

Protecting me physically from harm,

And protecting me in the eyes of others,

Defending my name.

People care.

People want to see me,

Know me,

Love me.

I am the Moon...



I am A moon.

There are Hundreds, 




Maybe even Trillions!

That are just like me.

In different places of the universe.

My experience may be different,

But we are all the same in a way

I am not the only one.

To the other moons out there,

You are not the only one.

I am not ashamed.

You shouldn’t be either.

Not anymore.

I am a moon.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by my Experience and Struggles with Mental Health Disorders. I have written this to show how I felt about myself and the Evolution of my self-love and my appreciation of others.

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