AWAY From Home | Teen Ink

AWAY From Home

April 30, 2024
By alexlovern5 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
alexlovern5 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
34 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was ripped from the home I was so used to living in.
You have to understand, I had to leave, it was a suffocating home.
I can never go back–it’s not safe.

I ran away from the home that made it hard to breathe.
Underneath every house is a man that can’t keep his temper.
Not everyone understood, I can’t go back to that house.

I was ripped away like a bandage from a wound.
Up and down, the hills roll away from that horrific house.
I am not going back until he’s gone.

As I watch the house get smaller and smaller,
With every step I take, the more free I feel.
Am I doing this? Is this real? Am I dreaming?
You know I did the right thing, I am free from that dreadful, gloomy, dark house.

The author's comments:

Inspired by Christina’s World, by Andrew Wyeth

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