The Way I See Myself | Teen Ink

The Way I See Myself

April 30, 2024
By Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People always ask about my biggest fear or freight

They always think I'm drowning in the terrors of the night

Or maybe it's the tiny rooms that act like their small spaces

Sometimes they'll say it's the fear of the public, standing on the narrow stages

Sometimes I'll say it's heights or the fear of clowns

I'll even say it's deep waters of fear that I might drown

But I always lie about one thing keeping it from someone else

Cause my biggest fear is that you'll see me the way I see myself

The author's comments:

I have many fears in life that follow me everywhere I go and sometimes I get made fun of because of the stupid fears I might have or that I do have. This really inspired me because I don't like to express myself but poetry is the one way that I feel like I can type out my feelings without being judged by anyone because to everyone else, that seems to be the only way they understand it all. I just recently lost a close friend to social media suicide and I just want to inspire many people with the words of wisdom I have received over the 14 years of my life.

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This article has 1 comment.

ava_1972 said...
on May. 11 at 4:07 pm
ava_1972, Cornwallville, New York
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
They said don't give up on your dreams, so I went back to sleep.

This is beautifully written. I relate to this so much, and these words are so powerful, I am so sorry for your loss and wish you the best. <3