I am a wolf | Teen Ink

I am a wolf

May 1, 2024
By 4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wolf hides in the bushes

stalking it’s dinner, never taking an eye off.

The wolf is starving, it’s belly grumbles

it’s prey hears it and starts to get up 

but before it can even run away

the wolf pounces out of the bushes

and grabs it in its sharp toothed mouth.

But even though this wolf is starving

it does not swallow it whole right away.

But instead the wolf walks to this clearing

Where the rest of the pack is.

He sits down and open his mouth 

letting the rabbit roll right out of his mouth

onto the ground. Now all the wolves look at it

with salivating mouths and wide eyes.

He steps back giving them the notice that they are

allowed to eat it, the wolf has done this even though he is starving 

because he will always be loyal to his pack.

The author's comments:

i am just like a wolf because just like them i am very loyal 

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