Turkey Hunting The Great Outdoors | Teen Ink

Turkey Hunting The Great Outdoors

May 1, 2024
By Anonymous

Turkey hunting is a popular and exhilarating outdoor activity enjoyed by many hunters. It involves pursuing wild turkeys in their natural habitat, typically during specific seasons designated for hunting these birds. The thrill of the hunt, the challenge of outstarting a wary and elusive bird, and the opportunity to connect with nature make turkey hunting a rewarding experience for those who partake in it. 

Successful turkey hunting requires careful preparation and planning. Hunters need to familiarize themselves with the behavior patterns of turkeys, understand their habitats, and learn effective calling techniques to attract them. Additionally, obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, and selecting appropriate gear such as camouflage clothing, decoys, calls, and firearms or bows, are essential steps in preparing for a turkey hunt.

During the hunt itself, hunters often rise early before dawn to set up in strategic locations where turkeys are known to frequent. Patience is key as hunters wait silently for the birds to approach within shooting range. Using various calls to mimic turkey sounds, hunters try and lure the birds closer for a clear shot. The sight of a majestic tom turkey strutting in full display can be both mesmerizing and adrenaline-inducing for hunters! 

It was my turkey season and I shot a big ole tom. Got home from a friend's house on Saturday morning, and was at home inside for about 30 minutes. My dad came home tole me that there were 3 toms and 1 hen down by the blind. So I grabbed my RIA Imports VR60 AR 12 Gauge and loaded the clip up. Then headed outside and put one in the chamber, all I had to do now was shoot it. Got a turkey fan that we made from a prior turkey that I shot, Put it in front of my face, and got about 50 yards from them. They didn't like the turkey fan so when they went down the hill I dropped the turkey fan and ran for the turkeys. Ran to the top of the hill and saw them, I pulled my gun up and shot once and it did a barrel roll and was flopping bad, so I put another round to hit the head and it was done. Grabbed it and brought it up to the house. Took some pictures with it then cleaned the breast out and put it in salt water to soak. Saltwater takes some of the gamey taste out of the meat, then I registered my turkey. Now it's gonna make a very nice Thanksgiving meal for next year.

Ethical hunting practices are paramount in Turkey and any form of hunting. Hunters must abide by regulations regarding bag limits, shooting hours, and prohibited hunting methods. Respecting wildlife and adhering to conservation principles ensure sustainable populations of turkeys for future generations to enjoy.

Safety is a top priority in turkey hunting due to the use of firearms or bows.  Hunters should always be aware of their surroundings, positively identify their targets before shooting, and practice proper firearm handling techniques. Wearing blaze orange clothing can help enhance visibility and prevent accidents while in the field.

In conclusion, turkey hunting offers an exciting outdoor, challenging pursuit that combines skill, strategy, and appreciation for nature. Whether aiming for a trophy tom or simply enjoying the thrill of the chase, turkey hunting provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the great outdoors and experience the beauty of wildlife up close.

The author's comments:

I like turkey hunting

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