I wish | Teen Ink

I wish

May 2, 2024
By Anonymous

I wish

That when you’re little

The time would go by slower

And never come to an end

I wish 

That when you get a new dog

That they stay the same

Puppy forever

I wish 

That when you moved away you were

Just leaving your home

And not your friends and family

I wish

Summer was forever and

The weather never changed

And you didn’t have to go

Back to school

I wish

That when you go on vacation

The time slows and you aren’t

Really going to leave

I wish

That you would stay

With the same team

And never grow apart

I wish 

That deciding what you want 

To do wouldn't be so difficult

And you would know for sure

I wish

That you and your siblings 

Never grew old and 

Always got along with each other

I wish

That the field trips

In elementary school

Never ended and you 

Would be with your friends forever

I wish 

That playing outside

With your childhood friends

Never ended

I wish

Going to your grandparents

Happened more often

And you always to go see them

The author's comments:

This poem is about change, and growing up. 

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