Laughing until I cry | Teen Ink

Laughing until I cry

May 4, 2024
By ap12390 BRONZE, San Diego, California
ap12390 BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I miss laughing, staying up at pubs with the guys, 

I miss getting into fights at clubs and protecting my drunken friends from crazy bar owners

But now I’m fighting the walls, reminiscing about those days during the war, 

I hope to one day, relive my memories with my friends who’ve perished from the shellshock of World War II. 

Leaving me alone. 

And sure, I've been lonely, and now after decades of being confined to my bed,

Every day, it seems as if color is drained from the sky

Like an old man’s skin losing its youth 

Or a new blade of grass being bent underfoot

And I miss sniffing the new scent of the world, 

Going onto my porch every morning, 

Inhaling the world’s breath.

But it is only the sight of men’s fists and fury that takes over the beautiful aroma

Being enclosed by the circle of flames

All my oxygen, way of life gone

A rinky-dink pillow gasping for air

Yet here I am, color and life persevering through this abandoned song.

And I laugh until I cry, making a heart slowly dissipate like the flicker of a candle stick 

Or viciously, the bitter rain assaulted my vision through the window

Until the rain broke through the glass

And I finished crying.

But the aftermath was worse,

The glass shattered into millions of pieces like the repeated crackle of lightning

Under the moonlight the water doesn’t sway to music, 

Letting me know that the light smiled for the last time.

The author's comments:

missing your old friends

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