The singer of this street | Teen Ink

The singer of this street

May 5, 2024
By shaKING9 SILVER, Padikkal, Other
shaKING9 SILVER, Padikkal, Other
5 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

This is our street singer
Loves the dark
A country singer who fears the light
Love is the song of the flower

Blood-stained memories
The pale blood that shines in the dark---
Scary petals that remind
Alan Kurdimare who died yesterday
Smells reminiscent

Gun screen provided by Sionet
Babies attached to the chest
With a broken heart
Approaching the singer

Singing a playground song today
On the ground where his brothers played
Lying down and singing
A lament for yesterday

Among the marching dinosaurs
Of the crushed land
Songs flow with rhythm
The men of the sun looked unborn
The world is constantly roaring

For those who have lost their conscience
The singer sings a different music
Though the world is dead
Palestine will not die

Caught in the fire
Preferably not in the sun
Don't judge yesterday
Tomorrows are important

Tomorrow you or me
Even if you fall down
This street singer will be singing
Today's routine
In the hearts of the people

The author's comments:

best poem

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