“i love you” | Teen Ink

“i love you”

May 6, 2024
By marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“i love you”

has no meaning

i say it to people i dont love

but i dont say it to the people i do

i say it to the girl who throws backhanded compliments every chance she gets

i dont say it to the boy who holds my deepest secrets with me

this isnt a love poem its a friendship poem

because me belief of friendship is faiding away

i know im not perfect but im trying

trying to be nice

not perfect

she posted on instagram and i commented


i wish i could say the truth

but if i said the truth i would look like the bad guy

i want to play her games

but i know that i would be the bad guy

so i chose to compliment her

kill them with kindness

i have tried that

it doesnt work

nothing does

because its not you

its them

maybe you feel like its you

because the scale say 150 instead of 115

but thats not real life

the people you want to notice you

shouldnt be the people that notice your weight

it should be the people who notice your insecurities

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece after one of my "friends" told me she loved me then commented about my beauty.

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