ode to your faults | Teen Ink

ode to your faults

May 6, 2024
By sophigrace BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
sophigrace BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your fault line is what takes the city out, brick by brick

I’ll patch every crack with the paste of my devotion

The way you patched my scarred heart with your own bare hands

And as the ambulance sounds and you’re the killer

I’ll be your alibi, shred the evidence, cover your tracks

Not one bread crumb left, not one crack leaking

Your banter is the 50 year marriage anniversary, how? 

The fire still burns that burning burgundy heat

A spark stings my arm like the soft kiss of lips

And as the alarm goes off and you’re the arsonist 

I’ll blow out the smoke with my own tired lunges

I'll struggle for my very last breath, covered in the flames of your brain

Your driving is the tightrope that keeps my arms out and my head high

I watch every move and press my invisible pedal

Because somehow that will make you stop and not the tree we’re running into at full speed

And as the cops are called and you’re out cold in the driver's seat

Your car is a safety net that saves me from the death drop of the tightrope

When my foot moves too far to the right and i’m falling 




Your arms are the snake that wraps around my neck and stops my heart

But you’ll shock me until i come back to life

Like a doctor in the ER trying to save their very last patient

And as the machine flat lines and you killed me

I’ll still come back to you with the angels singing

The lullaby you sing when my mom makes me cry 

Or when i'm overcome with the fear of nothing, nothing at all

Or when i try to catch a breath in the air that has none

You are the anchor that holds me down

Like a sailor who finds the treasure inside of me

You are the water that keeps me hydrated

Like a waterfall that showers the beauty of me

You are the one i take my last breath with

Like a destiny that we’ll find again in the afterlife

And as hades comes to drag you to hell

I'll cover my body with the red paint of sins just to be beside you

And if the angels come through to cleanse you

I'll drown myself in holy water just to be next to you

And as the cops come to the crash i'll tell them to save you first

From the fire we created in our hearts with the beating of your lips on mine

Because the fire that would burn in me without your touch would burn the city that your fault line broke down, brick by brick

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by the thought of love that even if he was a bad person, I would still love him because to me, he will always be a good person in my heart. 

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