Nameless | Teen Ink


May 6, 2024
By HonorSageCara BRONZE, Bangor, California
HonorSageCara BRONZE, Bangor, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I am not like the floor. 

(although you can step on me)


I am not stupid, not capital L loser. 

(although I do lose everything)


I am not your pathway, but please look at me.

(please touch me tenderly, please don’t)


the soles of your shoes?

are crap. they        are             complete.   crap.



A moment is a sprawling thing. It is never on the dot I


Am not  on the dot.  not human, not capital

 L loser I am filled with it. Filled with all these things I am not. 

A water glass;my mouth. 


I am not broken. I am not.  I am not broken!

(I am)


Neither am I worthless,

(but I come without a price)



 Please help me darling, 

Can I have a darling? Can I       

    Come back?


Can I be a baby?

    (can I not?)



Can I drop this awful arrogance, 

and become something small again.

and full of fur. bright



The author's comments:

I wrote this piece while reading and studying the language poets of the 70's at California State Summer School for the Arts. My mentors reaction to this poem, and my classmates feedback, made me feel I 'made sense'---a feeling that has helped me significantly in my writing life since.

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