Velvet Parabolas | Teen Ink

Velvet Parabolas

May 7, 2024
By Myfmichaela SILVER, Great Falls, Virginia
Myfmichaela SILVER, Great Falls, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"I'm more into the dead sea romance — swirly graphs of anabiosis, salty depths of nothingness and coming full circle," I used to say, waving my open hand in circles to explain. "And, if I were to choose, romance would be like the cascading sheets of rain; gravel crunching on the ground and subsuming itself into oblivion." But then the change — no longer do the particles of salt stay solidified at the bottom — came along, and I am washed anew, as the ground destroys the abstract at face value. And no longer can I stay floating away from what's real, and what's real tends to flower and scale the towers of my guarded eyes. When I open my eyes I see in technicolor, I see beauty and love, small thoughts that I store in my favorite cabinets, just to look at and feel, all the time.

The author's comments:

Michaela F. is a sixteen-year-old high school student. She is a debater, poet, painter, web designer, and admirer of long, winding blocks of prose. She has been a violinist since 2011, and talks about it in her writing quite often. She received a scholarship from JSA Women’s Leadership Institute, canvassed for political campaigns, and won numerous Scholastic Writing Awards for Poetry. She has also published her work in Stone Soup and was on the long list for the Sunspot Literary Journal. She is passionate about emphasizing non-Eurocentric art history, and founded the Gliese Art Collective, a local nonprofit that gathers and compiles resources to preserve valuable history. Mostly, she writes about matters concerning the intersections of cybernetics, artistry, outer space, and identity.

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