Sharing | Teen Ink


May 8, 2024
By 70097 BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
70097 BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A cold morning

Bright but brisk, a blanket is draped

across the armchair. Leaping up,

he settles and rests his paws.

The others find a different place to rest.

Afternoon light hits the chair,

the warmth bringing in value.

His older brother claims the spot

Greenish eyes now illuminated,

dark fur lighter as he sleeps.

The room becomes an orange-

pinkish color, the chair still warm.

His older sister rests,

they wait for supper,

Sunset fading, the lamps turn on.

The author's comments:

My school is awful.

My cats are nice.

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