Something | Teen Ink


May 8, 2024
By rayks BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
rayks BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

With all the opportunities now, that’s what's keeping me driven

I hear my dreams whispering

“It's time to awaken”

Growing up not much options were given

Learning about change is mad eye opening

As I scream to the world,

“Good change is about to come”

As much as i'm used to one thing and one thing only

To adapt to change, know about the different opportunities

“In this place I hate so much taught me” I told my father

Something I will forever hold close

That's what happens when things don’t go your way

Never wanted to be here in the first place

As graduation gets closer, I’m ready to dance on the edge of tomorrow’s horizon

The author's comments:

I am a highschool senior.

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